الـقـسـم الإنـجـليـزي : Issa Al Hasani


Issa Al Hasani


  • Name: Issa Al Hasani  
  • Birthday: 13/01/1980
  • Birthplace: Muscat, Al Seeb
  • Height: 170
  • Weight: 97 Kgs
  • Occupation: Bank officer
  • Profession: Bodybuilder
  • Nationality: Omani
  • Status: Married , 5 kids
  • Residence: Muscat, Al-Seeb
  • Contact info: mroman1101@hotmail.com
  • Tell: 92525525/95656656


Competition History/Placement:

  • 2008 5th in the 16th Arab bodybuilding championship 85kgs
  • 2009 3rd in the 9th al Fujairah classic championship 85kgs
  • 2009 1st in the 16th Men emirates championship 85Kgs
  • 2009 1st in the 6th Oman bodybuilding championship 85kgs
  • 2009 1st in the 4th Middle east (Sportex) championship 85Kgs
  • 2010 3ed in the GCC Beach Games Bodybuilding Championships 100Kgs
  • 2010 1st in the IFBB 44th Asian Championships 85Kgs
  • 2010 1st in the 2nd Asian beach Games Muscat 85Kgs


Issa Al hasani was born in 1980 and started competing in bodybuilding in 2003.
Issa trains six times weekly, with sessions lasting about two hours. Normal diet comes from huge amounts of lean meat, with potatoes and rice as main carbs, split into six meals per day.

In the time leading up to an event, Issa use to put himself through an even more intensive training program with extra cardiovascular workout, and a low carb diet to trim his body fat content down to a minimum.

Issa is  looking forward to go ahead and compete in world championships like Arnold classic and Mr Olympia, but bodybuilding being an expensive sport as you want to do a lot of training and maintain a special food diet, its still in the future plans, hopefully Issa will get a good sponser to have more focus on the sports, as till now no one from Oman had the chance to go to Mr Olympia.

- If you are interested in sponsering Issa Al Hasani, you can contact us, or him at his email.

Pics Of Issa

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