الـقـسـم الإنـجـليـزي : Interview with Bodybuilder Ammar Al Khansoury


Interview with Bodybuilder Ammar Al Khansoury
By.Shady Eid

We had the chance to interview one of the best bodybuilders in the region,Champion Ammar Al Khansoury. I first saw Ammar at RAK contest 2010, and was very impressed by his physique And strong presence on stage. He is definitely one of the best in the area and has great potentials to reach higher levels in this sport.
Ammar already has won many local and international contests, the latest were winning 1st place and golden medal of the last Asian bodybuilding Championship in Singapore 2010.

ammar al kahnsoury عمار الخنصوري

Shady: It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us Ammar, and to have the Opportunity to meet you.

Ammar: It’s also my pleasure to meet you Shady, and I was hoping for this Interview for a long time.

Shady: Tell us how you first started bodybuilding, and what interest you in It?

Ammar: I started Bodybuilding in 1995, what encouraged me to start bodybuild is it being a special sport, building up you personality and increase your self confidence.

Bodybuilder Ammar Al Kahnsoury
Shady: Bodybuilding as we know is not only a sport; it’s also a way of life with many commitments to it, how do you keep up with it and other life issues?

Ammar: Honestly bodybuilding is a very hard sport, and its also costy and requires lots of sacrifices but thank God for giving me the patient and will to continue. Also my Father and family support gave me strength to continue with this hard sport.

Shady: How is your training going nowadays, and do you have close competing plans?

Ammar: My training nowadays is not that great as it should be because of the nature of my work, I work as a safety engineer in ADCO Petroleum field, and there is not fully equipped gym in the field.

Shady: Genes, training, nutrition, rest and supplements are the most important parts of bodybuilding, which one do you think is the most Important?

Ammar: In my opinion, Healthy Natural food is the most important, followed by serious training, then supplement and lastly is rest. However, they are all important and none should be forgotten.

Shady: Describe a normal day for Ammar Al Khansoury.

Ammar: working days routine: Waking up early, having breakfast, going to work, then lunch, taking a 2 hour nap, going to the gym and training for 2 hours, dinner and finally sleeping early.
Non working days: I take the chance and go out with the family or friends.

Shady: Many beginners in this sport are misguided and don't know how to gain info and get good results, tell us how you gained the knowledge to reach this level.

Ammar: I personally suffered till I learned about proper training and food. I was always overtraining, and was taking information from more than one person, and that is one of the biggest mistake beginners do.
Beginners should train reasonably, and shouldn’t rush and be impatient about change in their body. Beginner should also not take many programs from different people and get lost in them, their bodies wont accept all the programs. and they should also focus on right healthy food, serious training and avoid over training.

البطل عمار الخنصوري الاماراتي

Shady: Tell us a little about your training program in general, any specific method you prefer?

Ammar: My exercise split goes as follows:

Day one: Chest + Biceps + Abs
Day two: Back + Traps + Calves
Day three: Shoulders + Triceps + Abs
Day four: Legs + Calves

And my favorite would be chest and biceps day

Shady: Which supplement you think are the most important for bodybuilders

Ammar: In my opinion, I think whey protein is the most important, followed by creatine, Amino acids, Glutamine and casein.

Shady: What do you think of bodybuilding as a general sport?

Ammar: It’s a very hard sport, and very costy as well, it also requires lots of sacrifices. On the the other hand its such a unique sport, and increase your confidence.

Shady: What do you think of our Arab champions’ level, and how can we improve it?

Ammar: There are many Arab bodybuilder and lots of special ones, but they lack financial support to help them in what they need. We can improve Arab bodybuilding by providing sponsorship to them from companies and commercials,
and by providing sponsorship from business men to the best ones with grea tpotentials.

Shady: Who is your favorite bodybuilders, international and Arab?

Ammar: My favorite Arab bodybuilder is Sami Al Haddad, and favorite International bodybuilder is Flex Wheeler.

Shady: What’s your opinion about Arabianmuscles.com?

Ammar: Arabianmuscles.com is a very unique website, its Sheds light on the sport of bodybuilding, and addresses many of the bold and sensitive subjects, as well as shedding the light on best Arab bodybuilders.

Shady: With a doubt you sure have many local and international fans, what would you like to tell your fans?

Ammar: I would like to tell them that bodybuilding need strong will and patience and the most important is passion for the sport.
Dont depend on anabolic hormones in gaining results, and focus on serious continuos training and healthy food.

Shady: Thanks Ammar for you precious time, it was a pleasure meeting you and we wish you best of luck in the future.

Ammar: Thanks you for having me in your website, and I wish you all the best in promoting this sport.

For more Pictures and Videos, visit Ammar profile  

Video with collection of pictures for champion Ammar Al Khansoury


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